Top Of The Week

How does it feel to have an eating disorder?

Symptoms include trying to maintain a below-normal weight during starvation or exercising too much. Obsessive-compulsive...

What are three signs of anorexia?

The likelihood of recovery increases the sooner an eating disorder is detected. So it's important to be aware of some of...

What is early onset anorexia?

The term “early onset of anorexia nervosa” was used for patients between 8 and 14 years of age, sometimes...

What are 2 facts about anorexia?

Up to 20% of people with severe eating disorders die without treatment. Without treatment, 20% of people with anorexia...

What are two possible causes of anorexia?

Peer pressure, concern for slenderness and beauty, gaining autonomy, identity conflicts, and the slippery slope of weight ...

What are the three 3 most common complications of anorexia that can lead to death?

Cardiovascular complications are often involved in these deaths. Although a variety of somatic abnormalities, cardiac...

Top Of The Month

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How do i know if i have anorexia?

Symptoms include trying to maintain a below-normal weight during starvation or exercising too much. Anorexia is an eating ...

Can you have both subtypes of anorexia?

Atypical anorexia nervosa is a subtype of other specific eating or eating disorders (OSFED). A person with atypical...

What are visible signs of anorexia?

The people closest to you are the ones who know you best: parents, children, spouses and your closest friends. They know...

What does it look like when you have anorexia?

In addition to extreme leanness and fear of gaining weight, common signs and symptoms of anorexia include skipping meals, ...

How do you know for sure you have anorexia?

One of the main signs of anorexia is not eating enough food. You may not eat because you think you will look perfect if...

What is the most common comorbidity associated with anorexia nervosa?

The most common psychiatric comorbidities associated with eating disorders include mood disorders, such as major...

What were some of the beginning signs that she had an eating disorder?

This deception is something that usually worsens over time, as the person tries to hide what is happening from other...

What is the major cause of anorexia?

The exact cause of anorexia is not known. As with many diseases, this is likely to be a combination of biological,...

Editors Picks

What are short term health risks of anorexia?

What are short term health risks of anorexia?

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the short-term side effects of anorexia listed above, I urge you to contact ...

What are 5 signs symptoms that someone might have anorexia?

What are 5 signs symptoms that someone might have anorexia?

Vulture Mine Road Wickenburg, AZ 85390 Google Map. People with anorexia can record all the foods they eat, including...

What does the beginning of an eating disorder feel like?

What does the beginning of an eating disorder feel like?

Behavioral signs of an eating disorder that severely restrict food intake. Refusing to eat certain foods or whole food...

What are 5 facts about anorexia?

What are 5 facts about anorexia?

Without treatment, 20% of people with anorexia die. anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people to not...

What are 3 facts about anorexia nervosa?

What are 3 facts about anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people to not consume the right amount of calories every day. They...

What are the 5 symptoms of anorexia?

What are the 5 symptoms of anorexia?

Symptoms Extreme weight loss or failure to achieve expected weight gains during development, Thin appearance, Abnormal...